Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our "bundle" of joy!

Is this not the most adorable picture EVER? I couldn't pass up the chance to share with you our sweet bundle of joy! hehe Our Lizzy girl had a bath tonight, and her daddy wrapped her up tight. We're still working on her not getting scared out of her mind when we give her a bath (poor thing!). As many of you already know, we had to find a temporary home for our Lizzy because our apartment landlord said that we couldn't keep her at our apartment anymore. It was really hard to see her go, but we are thankful that it is only temporary. We still see her often (take her on walks, visit, etc.). We can't wait to have her back, though!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Birthday fun

What a wonderful weekend last weekend was! I can't believe it, but I turned...25! I'm loving it! After reflecting on my life so far, I was reminded to live every moment to the fullest. God's given each of us a measure of time to glorify Him on earth, and I want to make the best of it for Him! Thank You, Lord, for birthdays, and the chance to reflect on our purpose. :)
On my birthday, my beautiful love took me to Dana Point to satisfy my craving for Lavender Lounge tea! Then, we went to Las Brisas restaurant in Laguna Beach, and it was amazing!!! It's practically right on the beach, and has a beautiful view (even though we had dinner there and it was dark!).

My old roomies and I went out to lunch on Saturday to Panera Bread - they are such blessings!! Love you, my H2O, girls!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy New Year! (in February) :)

Greetings! We hope your New Year has been wonderful and centered around God's faithfulness and mercy. He has shown Himself so faithful, and we are learning more and more about thankfulness and an "attitude of gratitude". :)
I wanted to share with you some amazing verses that have recently meant a lot to me:

"The LORD's loving-kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are NEW every morning, great is Thy faithfulness". -Lamentations 3:22-23

"Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the LORD; lift up your hands to Him". -Lamentations 2:19

"In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He knows who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God". -Romans 8:26-27

Our God is good! Many blessings on you as you start the New Year (I know, it's already February!) :)

The New Year has been pretty busy for us so far! Cameron is currently recording an up-and-coming artist, Jason Diaz. He is doing an amazing job with recording, and I'm so proud! He's also working hard at work, and doing new things with our church's worship team, which is exciting!
I am in the midst of getting ready for some choral festivals with my choirs and doing fundraisers. They're such a joy to work with! I'm also taking a tap class, which is random, I know, but fun!! I'm in a community class with 6 other ladies and we have fun! I'm also auditing a class at Biola University and it's really challenging me. I am enjoying it!
One sad thing that we recently went through is "losing" our puppy, Lizzy. Our landlady told us that neighbors have been complaining about her barking during the day while we're gone at work, so Lizzy is currently staying with a friend of ours until we move into a house someday. So, she's basically being puppy-sat by our friend. I take her out on walks as often as I can. We really miss her, though.

In a nutshell, we are blessed beyond what we deserve. Remember that God is faithful and merciful! We love you!!