Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two new hobbies

My hubby and I have recently taken an interest in hiking. We have a favorite hike called "Poop Out Trail" in Glendora, and it is a perfect hike. There are three "hills" at the beginning of the hike, and the first one has a VERY steep grade. The second is moderate, and the last is a straight hike up the hill. After you reach the top and catch your breath, you have a beautiful 2-mile hike down the mountain. It takes you through thickets (a new favorite word of ours!), and beautiful landscapes. Today, we hiked in the morning before the sun was up and it was glorious!! I love the early, tender mornings. And I love spending it with my sweetie. :)

Our other interest is photography. Now, Cameron is WAAAY more into it than I am with his new camera, but I have re-discovered my digital camera and its many functions. Cameron showed me that I have a "micro" setting on my camera, and I've been taking more close-up pictures of whatever I can find. I love it because the lens captures more of the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" life, that usually goes unseen. Our Creator has a beautiful, creative eye!