Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fall '08 catch-up part 1

So, I haven't blogged in almost 2 months. Geesh!
So, shortly after our last post, my new sis-in-law, Steph, came to visit us in California!! She passed her NCLEX exam and she is now a registered nurse! We're so proud of her. So, we spent a wonderful 5 days traveling around southern California - Laguna Beach, Pasadena, Claremont, and we knew how to end her visit here well... a day at Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona! I love my new sis!! (and we even had some people think that we were actual sisters!) :)

Then, November was a beautiful month. My old college roommate and good friend, Tia, had her baby boy on November 2nd (my Dad's birthday, as well!). She is the first of my close friends to have a baby and it was amazing to get the chance to hold her newborn son. His name is Nehemiah and he is a cutie!!
Also, my Mom came down and visited us for about 5 days!! I am totally loving all of the visits from family members. She came down and we relaxed, did crafts, took walks, and enjoyed each other's company tremendously. I love my Mom, and it was so nice to have a good chunk of quality time with her. :) More to come in part 2!